
The song

It is a holiday morning,  with trees blushing  from the pleasant wind; The radio started playing a song. The voice is great, The notes are good, I have to dance for this, But I can’t move... What am I doing? Sitting? Sleeping? Thinking? Drinking? Oh, the song is half-done; Why am I waiting? I'm aware,   I'm afraid, I'm confused, that I'm not dancing. Worthless tasks, Needless fights, Senseless pride, they made me blind. Do I ever break out? Can I ever come out? How to make a move, to the tunes of the song? I feel every second, drifting without waiting; The moves are in my mind, Oh, the song starts to fade. I start to forget the song, its vocals and notes; As I lose hope on myself, I wait for another song; But will I last that long?

There ain't easy ways

When you don't like the status quo, change it; It can't change itself for you. When you promise your love, be ready to face great and worse times with them. When you ask "What's the worth of this rat race?", think through, even if it's hard. When you bring in change, it brings its sibling unease; hold on to settle. When you don't make your decisions, others get to make them; don't let them. When you face a choice, choose one, let go of others; need to give to get. Of the twenty-four hours, while we are awake, make moves to be you.

Adios - the letter 1

***  Hello, When I saw you for the first time, do you know how I felt? Irritating. Like, who is this girl!? That's where my journey with you started. In the marriage. (You must be thinking, "What marriage!?" Yeah, we'll talk about it. Just continue reading.) Even now I think you're a bit irritating ;). The difference is that now you are more than that. Over these years, how I think about you has changed. It's something that developed over time, slowly and steadily - As if you grew on me. So what is this thing that I have for you? Honestly, it's a mixture of many feelings. My heartbeat rises every time I see you. I am cracking all the jokes I can to watch you laugh. I miss you so much if we don't talk frequently.  I don't like horror movies, but I would like to watch them with you; I don't like talking much, but I would do it for you. Seems like if you are with me, I can manage things better. These days I feel like you also could feel the same a

The Haiku [kind of]

In moments of a  Vast day, we face weird hours; and All the knowledge may Not answer, "Why am I here?" Hear out what the Earth Asserts, "Questions sans answers? Judge them never with Downcast looks; They are common." But at these moments, Hope to live than to survive.

The Duality

I love the adrenaline of a ride, I feel comfortable at the fireside; I like to be the odd one out, I follow the crowd with no doubt. I am content and disappointed, simple and complicated; I am happy and heart-broken, lazy and passion-driven. I fear and embrace change, I set and burn my stage; I break shells and move on, I hoard things and hold on; I am angry at myself, I empathize with myself; I run far away from me, I trust no one except me. The mind is a palace of glass and mirror, of peace and chaos, of unknown unknowns.

Adios - part 02

     There is no direct train to my village; I have reached the nearby town by train and boarded a bus. The ride starts on a highway and I decide to nap while the road is smooth. It will be evening by the time I reach home. My village rātapādu is famous for arts - especially calligraphies. Most people here are calligraphers, as well as farmers.   Even though I learnt calligraphy in childhood, I lost touch at later stages as I moved away from home. I can't say my adulthood was great. However, my childhood went smoothly, and credit must be given to my elder brother.  Even though I grew up without a father,  my brother stood like a father figure. He has been a hard-working person since his childhood. The whole village likes him and respects him. At first, he used to be a tough-to-convince and clock-like-disciplined coach. N o questioning of elders, no playing after school, no sleeping at noons. But with time, he became softer and gave me more freedom. Being a teacher, he  identifies p

I wish I see you

I go out for a walk, an evening on the streets; I see a tall woman, at a store eating sweets; I think that it's you, and my heart skips a beat; I take a closer look, and I walk in defeat; Oh, it's not the first time, that I wished to see you; Fooled myself many times, that I get to see you; Long hair - I think it's you, Late nights - I think it's you, Crowded - I think it's you, Concerts - I think it's you; I can't say for sure, when I see you again; I live with treasures, with us in a frame; I want to see you smile, where finds my heart its peace; I want to know you're doing fine, which keeps my day at ease; To be honest, I thought you would be my beside; For now, I just want to see you one more time; I walk and walk, to see you; cross the roads, to see you; stop at shops, to see you; look around, to see you; In the end, I reach the home, without seeing you; In the hall, I look at the pic, where I see me and you; I settle in the bed, I smile, rememberin