
Showing posts from November, 2022

The fault - Part 1

  The road is dark and foggy. It is clear up to a few feet, preventing viewing clearly what lies ahead. Anyways, this road is familiar for him. He can manage except on those nights when he is diving deep into his thoughts. Unfortunately, tonight is one such night. ** His colleague, Rekha. He is in a dilemma. He wants to be with her, and at the same time, he fears what can happen if they get together. He is trying hard to be with her, most of the time. At the same time, he is forcing himself to stay neutral. Recently, he observed that Rekha has preferred to be with him. She sits with him whenever possible - at the office, during lunch, tea breaks and tours. Whenever they talk to each other, they look into their eyes, directly. Just the eyes. Eye contact makes them lose track of time. He does not know what is happening. Does he feel happy with her being near? Yes, no doubt. Does she feel uncomfortable with him being near? No, she never expressed such a thing. "Hi, Sumit. Err, so, I

It was always you...

Did you remember the first time- You talked to me? You were like a child, who craves attention all the time.   Did you remember the second time- You talked to me? You shared your likes and dislikes, while I tried to match with mine.   Did you remember the third time? You told your past and secrets, I wondered at the openness, honesty and trust in me. I did remember the tenth time- said your life is random, full of surprises all the time; I wished to be part of it.   I decided at the twentieth time- so asked to guess my tastes; Not that you knew me, so that you would know me.   I dared on the thirtieth time- reminded you to ask about me; Not that I was ill, so that you would remember me.   I was then at the fortieth time- but this time, I talked. Not to give another chance, so that you would not repeat. Why would anyone do that? Why it was always you..? Not that I knew, so that you can ask yourselves.