
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Conversation - 6

*** Missed part 5? Click  here Want to know from the start? Click  here *** It was a typical night for the planet; something that exits as quietly as it enters. But not for all the people living on it. A single night has the capability of changing lives forever. Rohan did not know it was that night for him. The night when he learnt that Apoorva and him were not meant to be together.  Feelings are weird - They underestimate the things that break us and overestimate if they favour us. Emotions cloud the logical judgement which tries to show us the hard reality. He had a hope that she would accept him, with a chance in a million, or in a billion. But when he had come to know that it was a solid zero, his heart started skipping beats. It's a realization that one in a billion can be treated as zero. That his dreams with her would only remain as dreams. That he would soon lose the most important person. The feeling had haunted him for weeks, the immediate days being the worst. His brain

The Envelope

A yellow envelope with a letter inside, which was got into my hands a month back. As much as I want to read it, there is also the part of me that suggests not to read. As much as I want to hear him through his words, I don't want to visit his memories. I have been waiting for a day when I feel like I can read it as I was busy with other things going on with work, home and all. Today things seem better and I think I can handle whatever is there in the letter - whatever he wanted to say to me. I settled in the chair near the window, where sunlight was hitting afresh and making the room alive. I have picked the cover present between the pages of one of the books on the desk. Anyone who noticed the cover can understand two things: It is for a person named Leela; because it mentions "For Leela" in his handwriting. Also, it seems he didn't put much effort into making the cover, because it is almost tearing, or it could be an old one. With a deep breath, I opened the cover a