The Uncertainty : the other side
It was there in the family, I have been observing it; the people behave as if they were born to burn. They raised me, and praised me; that I would become a part of their legacy. But I saw the worry, from the people behind; that I would become a part of the legacy. I decided to stop it, to work it and override it; I told myself I'd become a great partner, if not the best. One day I saw you, to realize that I can't unsee you; I thought you and I will be stars and sky. I dealt with the conflict, of me being with you, versus you staying with me; I did not choose regret. I was relieved when I proposed to you; that finally, you knew, how much I love you. I never felt happier than the day you replied; you gave me a chance, to be with you. here I am, now, remembering those days; where your eyes and smile, did their magic on me. here I am, now, trembling to think; when your eyes and smile, stopped living with me. I remember the days, when I was not the person, whom you promised, to ne