My dear sista...

 It is a sister bond I thought of -

To have as a support, as a connection;

I am lucky in a way -

to meet you in the school;

It is a great thing watching you,

That serious and commanding girl;

When I thought of the nick-name,

The eldest sister of the class;

I did not know that I had a chance,

To fulfil the meaning;

You listened when my heart poured;

You supported when I was weak;

You lifted when I fell;

You dared truths, even if they hurt;

You are a tempered person,

Also a soft-hearted one;

You like heroism with anger,

Same as me;

You don't listen to songs,

I am a lover of music;

There can be many traits,

Where I am at the other end;

That may make us unique,

But cannot prevent being the siblings;

This journey, with a start,

Need not have an end;

The relation will stay strong,

Beyond our ends;

Writing here might be easy,

But, Am I at your expectations?

I do not know the answer,

I can only hope;

I let myself the time,

To talk to you better,

To be talked by you better;

To reach you better,

To be reached by you better;

To help you better,

To be helped by you better;

I let myself the time,

To improve our relation,

To add more to the writing;

Whatever happens,

You will be my forever special;

With love, from your bro...


  1. I am so lucky to get a brother like u
    That too mainly from our school
    Our bond is like a strong rope each of us at both ends holding it ...
    In the same ways our traits too !!
    I may not talk much to u due to my works r other activities...but I have a strong feeling that you r fine and I believe that if anything is wrong with you will say me at any cost ..
    Be strong be safe n be happy bro


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