
To, the confident entrepreneur,

To, the brilliant, and brave,

To, the nerd and geek,

To, the smiling and kind-hearted,

To, the hyper-active and open person,

To, a great friend I can look up to...

You make me feel high, 

laugh hard and think deep;

If people say they enjoy your company,

I will be one of them;

If people say they miss your company,

I will be one of them;

If people say they're lucky to have you,

I will be one of them;

To, the first author of the first slam,

To, the first tallest girl I saw of my school,

To, the first girl I talked to over the phone;

What I shall wish for you?

Great health? Great wealth?

Great family? Great fame?

Great friends? Great teachers?

Great peace? Great career?

I may not know you enough,

I may not know what you lack,

so that I can wish for;

For my wish is not to have a wish...


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