What is a Relation...

"Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music" - Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet 

Which doesn't demand gifts,

Which doesn't demand meetups,

Which doesn't demand replies,

It is with zero expectations;

Which doesn't advise a change,

Which doesn't try to change,

But can drive one,

a subtle and willing change;

Where they stop speaking,

to hear us;

Where they stop judging,

to accept us;

Where they stop preaching,

to feel us;

Where they stop concluding,

to understand us;

Where they become still,

to let us view the reflection;

Where they let us go,

Where we let them go;

Where respects exist,

Where opinions matter;

The most volatile and complex,

that man has ever made;

It can be a celebration,

of the best memories;

It can be mourning,

of the worst nightmares;

As long as we are in it,

As long as we choose it,

A relation can be anything...

P. S. Thank you so much for reading :), what is meant by a relation in your point of view..?

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