The Conversation



"You are the first person receiving the card. Don't dare to skip my marriage!" Apoorva said while handing her marriage invitation to Rohan. He promised that he'd attend it. After some chat, Apoorva left his house. He took a deep sigh and managed to reach the sofa and throw himself over it.

He was not in the mood for the work. His eyes are in a state between happy and sad. His lips are in a state between blessing her and cursing him. His heart is between beating and stopping.

   'What happened? We were ready for this' - said to himself
   'We did not know it was that hard' - came the reply
   'It's okay, we can still talk to her and we will be her friend'
   'But our time with her reduces. Our chats get shrunk'
   'We had enough memories with her'
   'We can not make more'
   'We will also get a new partner, better than her'

   'Are you sure?'
   'We were not when we met her first'
   'You should have cut her at first'
   'We did not have a reason'
   'Stop it now..'
   'We promised to be with her till our last breath'
   'You could have proposed to her'
   'I can't do anything that damages the smooth fabric of our relationship'
   'You are giving up on her?'
   'I am letting her go as per her wish'
   'What if she proposes to you?'
   'She never saw me in that way'
   'then what do you call this thing between you and her?'
   'Whatever she thinks it is'
   'so what do we do now?'
   'Wish heartily a good life'
He is not an extrovert. It is normal for him to talk loud whenever he was broken. He takes two versions, his brain and his heart. But then, the change was Apoorva heard all the conversation. " I have forgotten my car key", she said.
When leaving the room, she said, "Thank you." He could see her teary eyes, and so could she.


Want to read part - 2? Click here.


Thank you so much for reading.. Don't forget to share your views and suggestions in the comments section..!!

P.S. What are the favourite dilemmas that you have come across?


  1. Its truly nice n it was the true situation faced by many people n still going on too in some cases


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